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Forehead Lift Surgery

Forehead Lift Surgery

Forehead lift surgery is suitable for patients who have drooping skin in the eyebrows and temples, wrinkles in the forehead area, or patients whose scalp is too far behind. Classic forehead lift surgery is performed with an incision between both temples, at the beginning of the scalp. The muscles that cause wrinkles and eyebrow pull-down on the forehead are repaired and excess skin is removed. Forehead surgery takes an average of 2 hours and is applied under general anesthesia. After the operation, the patient is discharged after hospitalization for one night. Swelling on the forehead can be minimized by applying ice after the surgery and not keeping the head tilted forward. Swelling and bruising heal in 1-2 weeks. After two weeks, ıt is possible to return to social and working life. The numbness on the forehead improves within a few months. Intense physical activities that increase blood pressure such as sports, bending, heavy housework, and sexual intercourse should not for a few weeks.

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